Sunday, November 4, 2012

Catch Up Time!

Okay so I guess I should first apologize for long hiatus I took from writing a blog post. My break doesn’t mean that nothing happened because A LOT has happened since I last wrote so bear with me because this is gonna be a long one!

I’ll start where I left off. Last I wrote I explained how the army process for girls works and how we have a day called Yom Hameya where we are tested on different skills so they can decide what jobs are most fit for us. After we complete this day we get what is called a Manila about a week or so after. Our Manila is a list of jobs that we are eligible for based on all the tests from Yom Hameya and Tzav Rishon. On the Manila there are two list of jobs. The first list includes jobs that are eligible to you that don’t require more tests or interviews and the second list includes jobs that do require more interviews/tests. We then have to fill out the top three jobs that we would want to do from each list and then we get invited to more interview or tests if we want a job from the second list. In my case, I wanted to go for a job from the second list so I had to go for more tests. The job I was trying for is called Hadricha Sport or Madasnikit in slang terms, which is a fitness instructor. Each soldier no matter what unit they are in has sessions with a Madasnikit a couple of times a week to stay in shape. The job of the Madasnikit is to plan fitness/work out sessions for the soldiers. In order to become a Madasnikit we had to pass a physical test and then have an interview. So I went to the try out or what they call the Miyun here. At the Miyun we had to do a specific amount of push ups, sit ups, and a running test to make sure we were in shape enough to do the job. If we passed the physical section we would be sent off to be interviewed where they asked you all sorts of questions including how often you exercise, why you want to do this job, if you have had any instructing/teaching experience, etc. I went to the Miyun on October 24th and then had to wait a while to find out whether I made it or not. Luckily, I found out this past Tuesday that I got the job and I will be enlisting into the IDF on December 17th! It was amazing news and I am so happy to finally have a plan of when I will be enlisting. Now I can just relax, work out, and soak up my last month and a half of my very much extended “summer” before I become a soldier.

Just to explain a bit more about what I will be doing once I enlist, starting on December 17th I will be in basic training for about 2-3 weeks and then I will start my course which will be at a fitness and physical education institution north of Tel Aviv where I will be physically training to become a fitness instructor and learning related topics such as anatomy and physiology. The course will be around 2-3 months and after I pass I will be given a placement as where I will be instructing. Although it might be too early to say, I would like to be placed in a combat unit so I can help train combat soldiers to stay in shape as they serve in the army. So that’s my plan for the next two years…I’ll let you know how it goes!

Besides all of the army balagan (mess in Hebrew) everything has been great here at the Kibbutz. Instead of continuing to learn Hebrew I decided to volunteer in one of the day cares on the Kibbutz so I am now working at a Gan (day care/kindergarten in Hebrew) for the cutest little babies between the ages of 10 months-20 months. For anyone that knows me you probably could imagine how happy I am playing with cute, chubby, little babies all day long. So until I enlist I’ll be volunteering there for the mornings which will keep me semi busy.

Last week I had a really interesting experience with an amazing group of people. Project Return Ministries is a Canadian Christian organization that strives to help new Olim financially in order to make their Aliyah experience easier . Once you apply they set you up with a sponsor that is there for you to be in touch with for emotional support and also provides you with financial support. It is an amazing organization that has helped me and a lot of my friends in my group smoothly adjust to our new lives in Israel. For about two weeks many people from their organization have been touring Israel on what they call the Destiny Tour Experience. They invited the people who they have been sponsoring to come join them on their tour to meet the amazing people that make up their organization and to learn about this amazing country together. So I went last Saturday night with two other friends from my group to spend a night in the most incredible 1100 year old house in the old city of Jerusalem and then tour the regions of Judea and Samaria the next day. Judea and Samaria are located in what is now called the West Bank and is the place that most biblical stories took place. We started our tour at an amazing winery where we learned about the land and, of course, tasted delicious wine. We then went to a beautiful area for lunch in what the owner calls “the shack” with a ridiculously incredible view of the land in front of us. Our last stop was a settlement called Elon More where we were joined by a tour guide who explained the stories that came with that land. During the entire time I spent with our Project Return friends I just couldn’t help but think how lucky we are to have people who care so much about us and who greatly appreciate the big step in life we have taken. It was great to be surrounded by such people and I truly enjoyed me time with them!

Last week we had our Tiyul Giyus (enlistment trip) since most of the group will be enlisting within the next couple of weeks. We went to Eilat which is a vacation spot at the very bottom tip of Israel right next to Jordan and Egypt. We relaxed on the beach, rode ATV’s which was AMAZING, went on an afternoon boat ride that included a nice lunch and time to jump off the boat into the water, and just time to walk around the boardwalk and chill. It was nice to be with the whole group and relax for a couple days.

This week we have vacation where we can travel or hang out in Israel where ever we want. I decided to stay on the Kibbutz for most of the week and then I am going to head up north for one night on Wednesday to visit the winery and just enjoy a night off! Until then…so happy to catch you all up!

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